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Black Speaker

Meet the new members
of the IifI
Repertory Theatre Group

For 'Dagon', we needed to increase our cast by fifty percent. It's a big adventure and we have some wonderful additions to our Repertory Theatre Group family.

Snowcap Mountains

Michael Wilson


Hi my name is Michael, I'm 42 years old from the UK. I have been diagnosed with autism and struggle with Anxiety and Depression. I have a degree in English & Film Studies and I'm obsessed with many things including Star Trek, Doctor Who, Marvel, DC, Power Rangers, Super Sentai, movies and lots more. I struggle with self-esteem and liking who I am. Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

(Click the picture above to go to the Facebook page!)

Silver Screen Podcast (now Silver Screen Movie Group), is a film review podcast hosted by Michael Wilson & the enigmatic D.K Sellers (also an IIFI cast member), joined by a bevy of guests. In roughly 60-90 mins they'll discuss a film they love, hate or love to hate, introducing films to a new audience, discussing their favourites and rating out of five stars.
This group is an extension of the podcast where cinephiles and film fans get together to discuss movies. Whilst there will naturally be promotion and talk about those movies featured on the podcast this is not a prerequisite and the group is also intended as a place for all who wish to share a love of any and all movies.

Exploring abandoned tin works.

Catrin (Cat) Jones

Hi I’m Cat. For the credits in the show I go by Catrin Jones, but as this is usually pronouced as Cathryn, I'll stick with Cat. I'm Welsh born and bred from a small town outstide of Cardiff. I do a bit of photography, and exploring derelict places, love my allotment and chickens, and brew a bit of wine and mead on the side as well as gaming, RPG, PC and board. This is my first time doing a podcast, and I hope to do it proud.

Zombie Cat!

Neil James Rhind

Neil Rhind has been doctored by Edinburgh University for work on the deceased polymath Alasdair Gray. He therefore has OPINIONS about Poor Things, and has shared them, and others, in The Scottish Literary Review, The International Review of Scottish Studies, and The International Journal of Scottish Literature. A contributor to Poetry Scotland, Apricity, Eemis Stane, Coffin Bell, Punt Volat, and others, his work has appeared in thematic anthologies on scientists, Satanists, and, most recently, cephalopods (Three Hearts: An Anthology of Cephalopod Poetry, World Enough Writers, 2024). 


Prof. Ronald Hutton has said of Rhind's vanity published encyclopaedia of demons, Ars Pandemonium:

“A labour of love (and perhaps of possession), and also a work of remarkable eclectic erudition, by a thoroughly competent poet.”

Ron McKay, of Scotland On Sunday, has said of Rhind's earlier work: “Onanist”


It should be clear which Ron is a better judge of art.


Rhind's Ars, and several other collections, are available from Amazon. His 72 sonnet semi-Lovecraftian tribute to axolotls, Fun Guy From Xochimilco, is downloadable for free; just click on the picture below.

fun guy.png

Lynn McKinnon

Hailing from the Wee County, Clackmannanshire, Scotland and living in England for over twenty years, bringing up two kids (both now taller than me lol) and happily married to my wonderful husband, Steven. Cat parent to a cuddly yet utterly ruthless Void huntress who loves eating birds (urgh) and a bright red hair dye user to hide the gathering grey having an 18 year old daughter on the Spectrum, advocating as well for full independence and a better support system for those who need that additional help to adjust. Life is fun and never, ever boring! To my surprise, I was selected for publication by PTSD UK in a poetry anthology (I live with PTSD), have written poetry and short stories on and off for years but now have more creative freedom for new projects and interests. Having had one poem published late teens about Dunblane, I haven’t had anything in print for years until now and wasn’t confident enough to try. As my husband says, ‘Onwards and upwards…’ and he’s right. The sky’s the limit!

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