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Graphic Design by

Samantha Underhill

Meet the Original Members
of the IIFI Repertory Theatre Group

Sound Waves
Jonathan Inbody

Gray Matter:

An Acid Horror Anthology Podcast


Welcome to Gray Matter Video, the only video rental store where you can find tapes telling 'true' tales of horrific transformation, bodily destruction, and death from all across the dimensional spectrum.
With a blend of original stories from author Jonathan Inbody in the proud tradition of Carpenter and Cronenberg, and modern adaptations of classic Weird Fiction tales from authors like H.P. Lovecraft

and Edgar Allan Poe, this full-cast scifi-horror anthology explores the blurred line between psychology and biology alongside the

flawed and fragile depths of human nature when faced with the hideous unknown. At Gray Matter, everything is horribly, brutally possible. Will you let it get under your skin?

Clown Peeking Through Window
Forest Path
Inside of a Castle
Tobias Nilsson

My name's Tobias, and I'm a Swedish/Danish actor.
My main body of work has been in the theatre and
other live events. My most recognisable role is probably that of king Frederik III, a recurring role in a summer live event in the Danish castle Rosenborg. 

I've also tried my hands at directing and writing, the
former being on stage, where my first show was a stage
adaptation of HPL's "The Colour out of Space", and the
latter has resulted in a couple of short stories I've put
on the blog on my webpage.


(Click on the photo below to go to my website.)

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Photo credit: 

David Andreas

Senn Stausholm

Photo Credit: Royal shot - Christina Neumann Lindbæk Jensen

Industrial Storage



"Tranquilizer" is a cosmic/body horror short film I made with a few buddies of mine over the course of a couple of years, and it was accepted to play on the NecronomiCon (Providence, Mass.) and the H. P. Lovecraft Film Festival (Portland, Or.) in the US.

My friend, also Tobias, who's the writer/director, and I went to the Portland festival to give a presentation and Q&A for the film.

Right: Tobias Nilsson and Tobias Enevoldsen at the Lovecraft Film Festival

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Grainy Surface
Brian Karasek

I have been one of the admins for some years now on The H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society Facebook group. I am also a lifetime member of the HP Lovecraft Historical Society.

I am a Star Wars and Nightmare Before Christmas cosplayer (Palpatine and Oogie Boogie, respectively). Been to two Celebrations as Palpatine and to the premieres of the last five movies on three continents (USA, Japan and the UK). Oogie has only been out for a couple Halloweens and a movie showing. I have been known to swan about in my Darth Vader suit as well.

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Black Marble
Music Sheets
John Buckett

Hi everyone! I spend my time playing bass, running Yoga and Tai Chi classes, playing board games, doing some creative writing and putting out a podcast about stuff on telly, movies, books, comics etc. Delighted to be involved in this project.

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Two old friends catch up on all the stuff they love after a 20 year gap.

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City View

Alain Breton

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Hi! Just a bit to introduce myself: I used to be part of a theatre troupe in Quebec city when I was younger, but eventually had to find myself a steadier source of income, so I became a IT help desk technician and slowly drifted away from theatre (never lost my love for it tough). I am now an IT analyst for the Quebec Ministry of Environment. I play, and sometimes act as a gamemaster, for various RPGs. I also am, of course, a huge fan of Lovecraft's work, and this opportunity allows me to renew with acting after all those years.

DK Sellers


Hi everyone. Here's a little introduction. I'm DK, and I'll be playing Giles Waterhouse in 'The Shambler From the Stars'. I hail from the North of England originally, though I've lived all over the place.

I'm a writer - short fiction mostly, primarily sci-fi/horror. I've been published several times in various anthologies since the early 2000's. I'm currently working on a novel. My favourite authors are Lovecraft (kind of a given), King and Koontz.

I'm also a podcaster and I host the Silver Screen Cult Classics show (of which we've just wrapped the first season), as well as co-hosting the regular Silver Screen show. I have a great affection for horror and sci-fi films and am more than happy to spend an afternoon watching under-appreciated (bad) B-movies.

My music tastes are pretty eclectic, ranging from Bowie and Pink Floyd to Jean-Michel Jarre, Lana Del Rey, Gunship, Kavinsky and Metric.

I'm also an avid gamer - both tabletop and videogames. Ironically enough it was my introduction to the Call of Cthulhu RPG that initially got me hooked on the mythos (closely followed by the movie 'From Beyond'). Videogame-wise, I stick to survival horror for the most part (and typing this, I'm beginning to see a theme).

I'm really happy to be part of this production and glad to meet you all.

Click the image to the right for the link to my Amazon author's page, which lists some of the official stuff I've done.

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Ryan Moore
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I'm Ryan, essentially native to Pennsylvania but currently working in Vegas, doing Shakespeare since 1999 and the occasional non-Shakespeare play. I've even appeared in an indie film or two. I hold degrees in Electronics, Computer Science, and English. Professionally I've done radio/NAVAID maintenance and software development. A few of my interests include Lovecraft, TTRPGs, and video games.

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Matt Sielewicz-Stanhope

Hello everyone, I’m Matt. For the credits in the show I’ll go by Matthew Sielewicz-Stanhope because if you have a slightly ridiculous and unique name, you might as well use it.

I found Lovecraft in my school library in 1996 and I really think Miss Banks should return him to his grave. I read Ecclesiastical History and Theology at St Andrews, with astrophysics as an outside, so I’ve been rather disappointed that my own tale of personal horror has yet to manifest.

Particularly during a term when I couldn’t get lodging in the town and I lived in St Monans, which is a small fishing village in a cleft, accessed by a rickety bus where the only other drunken passenger got off at Crail. The inhabitants of St Monans look rather similar and they have a boat in one of the churches.

I don’t think the Deep Ones wanted me…

Mainly by blind luck I found my way into professional opera where I spent six happy years and one miserable year, the latter due sadly to most of my family passing suddenly.

I don’t think the cultists wanted me…

After retiring from the professional stage and getting myself back together, I resurrected myself as a music tutor, and slowly went completely parrots. I currently have eleven.

I made my own cult…

Nowadays the work, the parrots, an interest in martial arts and the perpetration of musical theatre in public places with malice aforethought (often Gilbert and Sullivan) take up much of my time. I’m another avid reader with quite an extensive library, some of it chewed by parrots. 

I live in Edinburgh, right on the coast on the opposite side and further east of St Monans. Perhaps the Deep Ones will change their minds?

Abandoned Home
Dom Richards

Click the image below to go to my Instagram account!

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Hi, I’m Dom and I am new to the world of audio dramas, but I have been a horror fan since a (far too) young age. I have been a fan of Lovecraft’s work ever since I first picked up a collection of his stories from my local bookstore when I was around 15. Ever since then I have been obsessed with anything Lovecraft and/or Lovecraftian


I am currently working on my own cosmic horror anthology which I hope to have finished soon! And I have a few more exciting projects in the early stages of planning.


Check my Instagram for any updates on such things!

Grainy Surface

John Holmes


Hi everyone, I'm John, and write cosmic horror and dark fantasy under the nom de plume Holden Leigh as my given name is that of a very famous porn star!

I live in Manchester, England and have done so for most of my life, except when I lived (and totally fell in love with) on the 

isle of man for a decade (my 20s). That 

decade produced my Manxie son, Conaire Asarlai, (who was conceived on the last 

day of the millennium TMI?) whom I still dote upon with every fibre of my being 23 years later.

I spent my teenage years as a singer in a rock band and adore music in which I have a very eclectic taste that veers from Del Tha Funkee Homosapien and Bjork, grunge and rock right through to Ektomorf and other noisy people (the commonality seemingly being good lyricists) but my absolute favourites are Pearl Jam and Brad. (I doubt you have heard about Brad, and if not I heartily recommend that you have a listen.)A massive bibliophile, I have a converted attic that stores my collection of around 2500 books, ALL of which I have read at least once; the jewel in my collection being

the Suntup edition of Clive Barkers Imajica. Clive is my spirit guide of an author, but I do have a super soft spot for 

Lovecraft, as well as Alan Moore, Robert 

Anton Wilson, R.Scott Bakker, Grant Morrison and Charles Fort.

Speaking of Charles, I have been pretty much a lifelong fan of the Fortean Times, and it is Forteana that I would pick as a specialist subject if I were ever to appear on Mastermind, I know so much more about UFOs, Ghosts, Conspiracies and the like than is good for me.

Just to throw people off the scent, I have also been a mad keen football fan throughout my life, supporting Manchester City and have seen the bizarre and heartwarming rise from them being the poo also-rans in Manchester to their preeminent rise to the very top of world football, which has been quite the trip.

I live with my partner, her two children and Rufus the golden retriever, singly the most photogenic dog in history, surrounded by love and support.

I feel sure I've missed a lot out, but off the top of my head, that's about it.

Forest Path

Jorge Williams

As suggested, a little introduction. Hello, I'm Jorge, I live on an island on the west coast of Scotland.

I'm a Heathen (I worship the Aesir) and this photo was from when I got to see my favourite band Heilung live in January.

I love Weird Fiction and reading in general, my favourite authors are Lovecraft, Robert E Howard, Clark Ashton Smith, Algernon Blackwood, William H Hodgeson, Poe, Cormac McCarthy, Ernest Hemmingway, Neil Gaiman, Susanna Clarke, etc. etc. etc (you get the idea). I like to draw and dabble in writing my own weird fiction also.

I'm chuffed to be doing the narration on the Promos for the podcast! Now I have a regular role as 'Carl Chandler, a member of the Department for Para-Scientific Research.

Small Island
Calm Sea

Samantha Underhill

Most of my publications are scientific in nature but I have published fiction and poetry. Very fortunate to have published my own book of poems and have poetry and short stories in Weird Tales, Weird House, and others. Most recent supernatural story in House of Haunts.

I’ve also had voicework in a number of arenas, but most heavily with BBV Productions.


Graphic Design by Samantha Underhill

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Other BBV Productions read by Samantha include The Forbidden Act by Chris McAuley, Legacies 01: First Contact by Claudia Christian. More coming soon!

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The Living Library of Hale House by Samantha Underhill

Samantha Underhill

Reads & Writes

M B Blissett

I am Matt, and I write books whilst doing a day job, run RPGs, read, play bass guitar, cook and hang out with animals. I am excited to share this experience with you all.


(Excerpt from the website.)


M B Blissett is a writer who lives in Norwich, on the East Coast of England. He has been featured in several publications: Infernal Ink (To a warm reception.) 
13 Postcards From Hell.
6 Crazy Venom Powers – Bounding Into Comics.
Haunt Jaunts.

M B Blissett is also a member of the Chartered Institute of Proofreaders and Editors (CIEP) – Number 18850.

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